Wednesday, December 8, 2010


       Blogs in today's day and age have become very popular. It has evolved to the point where everyday people and million dollar corporations use blogs to communicate their ideas. In this college course of management 3120 it has been assigned to us. My First thought when i heard of this assignment was why? I felt that it was going to be annoying and it was at first. But after awhile it seemed to be an interesting outlet even if we were only discussing the ongoing' of class. I find myself right now on the in between because most of these topics are to specific (I will elaborate more later on).
       Blogs do provide a way for students to communicate with each other. However i felt that the comments was forced. usually when i leave a comment on an article is because i truly had something to say. Forcing comments on other people's pages is not genuine. It creates false statements to the extent that if you were not forced to comment on another person blog you might think differently of the blog. I never found myself talking about a blog unless it was someone who i knew in the class.I felt that i did not benefit from meeting any one through blogs.
         However, these blog assignments do provide a way for people to effecitvely communicate their ideas regarding the assignment. The assignment were very specific in what must be discussed. this allowed for a deeper understanding of the material. However, the idea of blog was not fully expressed because it was to specific. People again may have been forced to discuss a part of the material they were not interested thus providing a false blog. Blogs in my opinion are used to express ideas and by being to specific you may learn the material very well but you will not be able to express yourself properly. There were many topic provided to us but none from outside source. Everything we needed was in class and this provided enough topics however, we were not introduced to any ideas from outside sources (i.e. prof's. Blog).
        The benefits of having a blog assigned to you was that it was worth 20% of your grade. This allowed for students to control some aspect of their grade on their own. this was very helpful. however, the assignments did feel forced and so it may have defeated the purpose of the blog. The mere fact that it help take of the anxiety of the test was a help but not a determinate of my overall gauge with blogs. I feel i may end up writing a few more blogs once this class is over to express random thoughts that always run a muck within my head. I believe the blog should remain apart of the class with some improvements. instead of forcing people to write three comments for each blog assignment tell people to read three blog assignments and if they want they can leave a comment. this will provide better comments and more interest in reading other peoples blog.

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