Wednesday, October 6, 2010


       The goal was simple. Prevent an egg from breaking. the task however was hard. Using only eight straws and 2 feet of masking tape we are supposed to prevent an egg from dropping ten feet. we were a group of five all trying to make sure this egg does not break. There were some mistakes in our planning process that may have been the cause for the final result.
       The first step in the planning process was listing our objectives. This objective, as said before, to prevent an egg from breaking after creating a device that will cushions the egg fall so that it does not break. The first step we were able to accomplish rather well.
       The second step in the planning process to determine current status compared to the objectives. this was also accomplished as our group created a name for the egg and listed or names on a piece of paper that we going to submit our project. next was discussion regarding how the contraption would be built and draw a few drafts.
       The third step is scenario planning. Our group could have improved in this area. our group only had ten minutes to execute any plan we came up with. Our group decided to come up with a plan B just in case we thought plan A was not a good idea. Since everything was just on paper and none of us had experience in drawing a plan B was created. where we came up short was not walking around the room to see who had the best ideas. no where in the instructions had denied us this ability. if we would have walked around we had seen the group with best chance of accomplishing the task.
       The fourth step was simply figuring out which was the best plan, which was plan A for our group. The fifth step is where we realized our mistake. If we would have searched around the room for the group with the best idea we would have been successful. However, this was not the case and caused to go with plan A in which we failed. Our team would have been much more effective if the third step was applied more. Well, once humpty-dumpty fell from a ten foot wall we were unable to build a device that would break its fall.


  1. That's a very good point, I didn't even think about walking around the room to see who had the best idea. Because I had experience in this type of project, and so did some of my teammates, we were pretty confident with out idea. It worked too, however we failed to record our names on the paper, and therefor lost the 10points.

    However, don't you think it takes away some of the challenge if you simply copy someone elses idea rather than coming up with one of your own?

    Just a thought =] Winning is clearly the most important part of course!

  2. I like how you found a loophole in the rules…UNFORTUNALTEY it is too late. I believe we were in the same group and I have to agree that our biggest setback was in scenario planning. We spent too much time trying to figure out which plan to go with, which gave us less time to focus on building a solid contraption. Although we all assumed we cannot walk around and “borrow” people’s ideas, I wish you thought of the idea earlier…there’s always next time = )
