Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Vision is a ?

       When you are young having a vision comes easy to you. You want to do everything there is out there in the world. I remember I wanted be a professional baseball player. I remember spending my summers just playing out on the baseball field. I once considered it my home. Wearing that uniform feeling the breeze run across my face, it was the only place i felt like myself. Now when you ask me what my vision is? I would just stare back with a blank expression across my face and think about the questions you have just ask me. I do know a few things that are set to be in my future. For one i plan to be my own boss. Two I plan and I know I will be able to provide for my family and three i will run the New York City marathon.
       To become my own boss is both the easiest and one of the hardest lessons i have learned throughout my life. You see technically I'm already my own boss. I am the president of By The Numbers Inc. an insurance Brokerage firm that specializes in Business owners policies and worker's compensation. Apart from that my business also sets up many corporations for small business entrepreneurs. But in the future I would like to offer small business owners, especially Latino owners, and their employees financial services plus the services i already provide. I know many people, young and old, that go through life with a job that simply pays between 300 to 400 dollars a week. Once they are old they do no have enough money to retire and must continue to work until their day comes. The same goes for small business owners who do not have much but their business and have no retirement fund to show for it. For this reason it is one of my visions to be my own boss and to help such people out. I find myself on the path to my vision considering the fact that I am already a licensed New York City property and causality broker. The next step is to continue to get my education and and save enough capital to start my own office.
       The next vision is a rather simple but probably one of the most important visions. I plan to provide and have enough for my to live a decent life. Money is the primary concern for most people, hopefully, with hard work i do would have the luxury knowing that it is not my primary concern. Many people live by paycheck to paycheck, and once an emergency springs up there is nothing to show for it. I have seen this many times and for this reason it is one of my visions to be able to provide for my family. I see education as one of the many ways to accomplish this task, as well as being my own boss.
        Finally the last vision is of me running the New York City marathon. this by far one the hardest tasks if not the hardest vision i have set for myself. In high school i remember laughing at the kids in Cross Country. i should to say that it was not a real sport, it just consisted of running around in circles. I also do not enjoy jogging i find it boring almost as a chore. the only positive side i may see to this is that i used to wrestle. So conditioning is one my greatest assets despite the fact that i don't like to run. In wrestle you have to learn and train your body to wrestle at its greatest ability when you have 0% in your gas tank. This means if you just ran ten miles you should be able to get on the wrestling mat and be at the top of your ability. This is hard for anyone has never wrestle to understand, but just imagine do you best when you are in grueling pain, or taking a midterm with a pounding headache and passing with an A. The same intensity and feeling I imagine would be for the NYC marathon. for this reason i believe it will be the hardest vision for me to accomplish. The only way i can see myself accomplishing this task is by running a few miles a day and simply making a commitment.
        Motivation, commitment and drive is what is going to lead me to all of my visions. I can easily picture myself in all of the rolls i have laid out for myself it my focus and commitment that will lead to my own fate.

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