Wednesday, November 17, 2010

D for Dominant

   One thing i know about myself is that I am a confident person. If i say i can do something I will do it. The Personal Profile System gauged me rather well. D is about over coming you opposition to change your environment. It is the ability to make the quick and right decision. Find D and no other letter to be better suited for me. this can especially be seen when i play sports. When I am playing baseball i have not time to think of whether or not i should through the ball to third i just act upon my instincts and the situation. the same goes for wrestling. When i am on the mat and my opponent is right across from me looking for a weakness i make sure i show none. The second my opponent gives me an opening i attack and if he does not give me an opening i force the issue to make sure i get the win. D's are often competitive this is true for myself. I wouldn't let my three year old brother beat me in a race. For when the day comes that he does so happen to beat me he will know it is legitimate. I don't feel that i can become another type, i might be able to pick up a few more traits but i will always be a D at heart. I believe it would be very helpful to know what type of personality a manager possess. It can be crucial because if you are providing unnecessary pressure to a personality S than you might not get the best outcome. These test can also be useful in sports, to better understand your teammates or coach. For example in wrestling it might be better for some to develop a game plan against an opponent that may be bigger or faster this way it will give you the best opputunity to win. you see this type of prepartaion all the time in sports wether it be boxing, baseball, or football.


  1. I like how you showed the role that being a D type has on the way you play sports. It was something i had failed to look at. I was also labeled a D type and I find that the way I am in sports is similar. I like to take charge, and forget about me ever letting anybody win, i dont care if its your first time playing the game or not you only get the wins you earn

  2. Spoken by a true "D" person! haha! I'm a confident person too but I'm milder compared to you. I guess that explains why I got "d" as my second dominant trait. I actually admire your confidence and straightforward attitude, without having to really care much of what other people might think about you. You seem like an impulsive person, acting upon your instincts. I remember when we were doing the test, you and I had opposite results. You ended up being a "Di" and I with an "Id"... I just found it interesting :)

  3. Yes, I know how you feel, it feels like have the "D" is the better characteristic than others. D all the way!!!

  4. I totally agree with you. Picking up a few other traits when necessary can be a good thing and work in your favor, however I also believe that the type of personality you have will always be who you truly are. And Pater, I don't agree that having a "d" personality is better, it's just different. Consider this: how would the world or even the work place work effectively if everyone had a dominant personality and wanted to be in control?
