Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Triangle Triangle how you are my dear Rectangle

Triangle Triangle
How you are my dear rectangle 
I just don't know.
All i know, is i think of Rectangles
and my lips speak of triangles
but you do understand me

When i say triangle i mean rectangle
and when i say triangle i mean triangle
Don't be confused

I am a D for dominant and what i say goes.
Triangle or rectangle i expect you to understand my tone
it is all in the tone well thats how some managers manage
they manage by managing their tone 
so next time your manage raises their voice dont listen to what they say
listen to their tones and understand that triangles can sometimes be rectangles 


       Blogs in today's day and age have become very popular. It has evolved to the point where everyday people and million dollar corporations use blogs to communicate their ideas. In this college course of management 3120 it has been assigned to us. My First thought when i heard of this assignment was why? I felt that it was going to be annoying and it was at first. But after awhile it seemed to be an interesting outlet even if we were only discussing the ongoing' of class. I find myself right now on the in between because most of these topics are to specific (I will elaborate more later on).
       Blogs do provide a way for students to communicate with each other. However i felt that the comments was forced. usually when i leave a comment on an article is because i truly had something to say. Forcing comments on other people's pages is not genuine. It creates false statements to the extent that if you were not forced to comment on another person blog you might think differently of the blog. I never found myself talking about a blog unless it was someone who i knew in the class.I felt that i did not benefit from meeting any one through blogs.
         However, these blog assignments do provide a way for people to effecitvely communicate their ideas regarding the assignment. The assignment were very specific in what must be discussed. this allowed for a deeper understanding of the material. However, the idea of blog was not fully expressed because it was to specific. People again may have been forced to discuss a part of the material they were not interested thus providing a false blog. Blogs in my opinion are used to express ideas and by being to specific you may learn the material very well but you will not be able to express yourself properly. There were many topic provided to us but none from outside source. Everything we needed was in class and this provided enough topics however, we were not introduced to any ideas from outside sources (i.e. prof's. Blog).
        The benefits of having a blog assigned to you was that it was worth 20% of your grade. This allowed for students to control some aspect of their grade on their own. this was very helpful. however, the assignments did feel forced and so it may have defeated the purpose of the blog. The mere fact that it help take of the anxiety of the test was a help but not a determinate of my overall gauge with blogs. I feel i may end up writing a few more blogs once this class is over to express random thoughts that always run a muck within my head. I believe the blog should remain apart of the class with some improvements. instead of forcing people to write three comments for each blog assignment tell people to read three blog assignments and if they want they can leave a comment. this will provide better comments and more interest in reading other peoples blog.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

D for Dominant

   One thing i know about myself is that I am a confident person. If i say i can do something I will do it. The Personal Profile System gauged me rather well. D is about over coming you opposition to change your environment. It is the ability to make the quick and right decision. Find D and no other letter to be better suited for me. this can especially be seen when i play sports. When I am playing baseball i have not time to think of whether or not i should through the ball to third i just act upon my instincts and the situation. the same goes for wrestling. When i am on the mat and my opponent is right across from me looking for a weakness i make sure i show none. The second my opponent gives me an opening i attack and if he does not give me an opening i force the issue to make sure i get the win. D's are often competitive this is true for myself. I wouldn't let my three year old brother beat me in a race. For when the day comes that he does so happen to beat me he will know it is legitimate. I don't feel that i can become another type, i might be able to pick up a few more traits but i will always be a D at heart. I believe it would be very helpful to know what type of personality a manager possess. It can be crucial because if you are providing unnecessary pressure to a personality S than you might not get the best outcome. These test can also be useful in sports, to better understand your teammates or coach. For example in wrestling it might be better for some to develop a game plan against an opponent that may be bigger or faster this way it will give you the best opputunity to win. you see this type of prepartaion all the time in sports wether it be boxing, baseball, or football.

My Vision is a ?

       When you are young having a vision comes easy to you. You want to do everything there is out there in the world. I remember I wanted be a professional baseball player. I remember spending my summers just playing out on the baseball field. I once considered it my home. Wearing that uniform feeling the breeze run across my face, it was the only place i felt like myself. Now when you ask me what my vision is? I would just stare back with a blank expression across my face and think about the questions you have just ask me. I do know a few things that are set to be in my future. For one i plan to be my own boss. Two I plan and I know I will be able to provide for my family and three i will run the New York City marathon.
       To become my own boss is both the easiest and one of the hardest lessons i have learned throughout my life. You see technically I'm already my own boss. I am the president of By The Numbers Inc. an insurance Brokerage firm that specializes in Business owners policies and worker's compensation. Apart from that my business also sets up many corporations for small business entrepreneurs. But in the future I would like to offer small business owners, especially Latino owners, and their employees financial services plus the services i already provide. I know many people, young and old, that go through life with a job that simply pays between 300 to 400 dollars a week. Once they are old they do no have enough money to retire and must continue to work until their day comes. The same goes for small business owners who do not have much but their business and have no retirement fund to show for it. For this reason it is one of my visions to be my own boss and to help such people out. I find myself on the path to my vision considering the fact that I am already a licensed New York City property and causality broker. The next step is to continue to get my education and and save enough capital to start my own office.
       The next vision is a rather simple but probably one of the most important visions. I plan to provide and have enough for my to live a decent life. Money is the primary concern for most people, hopefully, with hard work i do would have the luxury knowing that it is not my primary concern. Many people live by paycheck to paycheck, and once an emergency springs up there is nothing to show for it. I have seen this many times and for this reason it is one of my visions to be able to provide for my family. I see education as one of the many ways to accomplish this task, as well as being my own boss.
        Finally the last vision is of me running the New York City marathon. this by far one the hardest tasks if not the hardest vision i have set for myself. In high school i remember laughing at the kids in Cross Country. i should to say that it was not a real sport, it just consisted of running around in circles. I also do not enjoy jogging i find it boring almost as a chore. the only positive side i may see to this is that i used to wrestle. So conditioning is one my greatest assets despite the fact that i don't like to run. In wrestle you have to learn and train your body to wrestle at its greatest ability when you have 0% in your gas tank. This means if you just ran ten miles you should be able to get on the wrestling mat and be at the top of your ability. This is hard for anyone has never wrestle to understand, but just imagine do you best when you are in grueling pain, or taking a midterm with a pounding headache and passing with an A. The same intensity and feeling I imagine would be for the NYC marathon. for this reason i believe it will be the hardest vision for me to accomplish. The only way i can see myself accomplishing this task is by running a few miles a day and simply making a commitment.
        Motivation, commitment and drive is what is going to lead me to all of my visions. I can easily picture myself in all of the rolls i have laid out for myself it my focus and commitment that will lead to my own fate.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


       The goal was simple. Prevent an egg from breaking. the task however was hard. Using only eight straws and 2 feet of masking tape we are supposed to prevent an egg from dropping ten feet. we were a group of five all trying to make sure this egg does not break. There were some mistakes in our planning process that may have been the cause for the final result.
       The first step in the planning process was listing our objectives. This objective, as said before, to prevent an egg from breaking after creating a device that will cushions the egg fall so that it does not break. The first step we were able to accomplish rather well.
       The second step in the planning process to determine current status compared to the objectives. this was also accomplished as our group created a name for the egg and listed or names on a piece of paper that we going to submit our project. next was discussion regarding how the contraption would be built and draw a few drafts.
       The third step is scenario planning. Our group could have improved in this area. our group only had ten minutes to execute any plan we came up with. Our group decided to come up with a plan B just in case we thought plan A was not a good idea. Since everything was just on paper and none of us had experience in drawing a plan B was created. where we came up short was not walking around the room to see who had the best ideas. no where in the instructions had denied us this ability. if we would have walked around we had seen the group with best chance of accomplishing the task.
       The fourth step was simply figuring out which was the best plan, which was plan A for our group. The fifth step is where we realized our mistake. If we would have searched around the room for the group with the best idea we would have been successful. However, this was not the case and caused to go with plan A in which we failed. Our team would have been much more effective if the third step was applied more. Well, once humpty-dumpty fell from a ten foot wall we were unable to build a device that would break its fall.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dominican American

       Why is every one looking at me weird? We have been in the air for a few hours and we landed safely. so the next most obvious thing you should do is clap. So i started clapping with a smile on my face excited that we are on the ground. It's not that I'm afraid of flying, I actually have the tendency of falling asleep on airplanes. Whenever I fly down to Dominican Republic everyone's always clapping once we land. So here i am. I just landed in New Orleans and I am the only one clapping. At this moment i realized that i was part of of both an American culture and a Dominican culture. My Dominican culture decided to show up once we were on the ground.
       I am first generation American. This means my parents were both born outside of the United States. Both of my parents were born in the Dominican Republic, which is located in the Caribbean. However my father came to the United States when he was three years old and my mother came when she married my father. My father was immersed in American culture unlike my mother who was raised in the Dominican Republic. So this means when my father throws a barbeque it is going to be completely different from when my mother throws a barbeque. At my mothers barbeque there is spanish music playing to the max, there's always rice with beans, people are always dancing, and is always loud. At my fathers barbeque its a much calmer atmosphere, where there is more conversation going on, everyone is doing there own thing either watching a baseball or football game, or outside in a pool.
       Another easy way to see both cultures through my family is at thanksgiving. Since my fathers culture is more americanized than my mothers family the food that is served will be different. For example, thanksgiving at my uncles home from fathers side will have sweet potatoes, filling within the turkey, cranberry sauces, and a bunch of different pies as desert. On my mothers side there will be Arroz con guandules(yellow rice with pigeon peas), pernil (pork shoulder), potato salad, macaroni salad, and for desert there will be flan or dominican cake. Just by the food there is a difference between both cultures.
       Another huge difference is baseball. Baseball is an American Past time that has been instilled in Dominican culture. However the atmosphere in the two countries is experienced differently. At the Cibao Stadium in the Dominican Republic for the Aguilas there are cheerleaders. While there are no cheerleaders for baseball games across the country for the United States. Another difference is the way Dominicans dress to go watch the game. In America people go wearing shorts and a jersey of their player wearing sneakers, a lot of women wear hats. In Dominican Republic people go dressed as if they are going to a party or nightclub. the men are wearing dress shirts and shoes, while the women go in high heels looking ready to go out dancing for the night.
       As you can see there are many differences between the two cultures. Whether it be as subtle as clapping on a plane to dressing up for a baseball game both cultures exemplify ones character.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hello Everyone,

       My name is Steven Cabrera. Thats short for Steven Reynaldo Cabrera Gonzalez Taveraz Martinez. I was born in Brooklyn, New York. I'm what you might say a typical New Yorker. I'm a Yankees fan and that means im also a Giants fans. This does not mean I dont root for other New York teams but I do happen to like the Phillies.
       Apart from watching sports i also enjoy playing sports. This allows me to understand the intensity and the struggle that arises from trying to hit a baseball. You failed twice when the third time, you have a man on second and third with two outs and a hit is the deciding factor of the game. No matter what the outcome is, the importance of it all is the struggle. This gives you character. Stepping back into the plate after failing is what builds your character. So now your staring back at the pitcher assuming inside fastball, knowing before the pitcher even throws the ball that this struggle has built your character that has now become your fate.